I have 70+ devices to add to logpoint for monitoring. The version of Logpoint is 6.7.4.
I dont want to key them in with the GUI (takes too long, risks of mistakes). I have the device details in a spreadsheet - extracting to a csv and loading the csv into logpoint with the UI is the best way.
The device uses a proxy
I have followed the documentation - but perhaps I’ve misread something.
The CSV line below gives the error “Exception, Nonetype object has no attribute split”
device_name,device_ips,device_groups,log_collection_policies, distributed_collector,confidentiality,integrity,availability,timezone,uses_proxy, proxy_ip, hostname, processpolicy
I can add devices without issue if I remove the last 4 fields from the csv (i.e. uses_proxy, proxy_ip, hostname, processpolicy), but i do want to add the syslog collector details.
Does anyone know if the add devices with a csv actually works when you want to also add the syslog collector ?
Patrick Kelly
Note: my question doesnt fit into any of the predefined categories, I have to put it into Operations Monitoring.